Karen Nail
OMP Credits
- The Yeomen of the Guard (Spring 2015)
- Dame Carruthers
- The Grand Duke (Fall 2010)
- Chorus
- The Zoo (Fall 2009)
- Eliza Smith
- Trial by Judy (Fall 2009)
- Chorus
- The Yeomen of the Guard (Spring 2009)
- Director
- H.M.S. Pinafore (Fall 2008)
- Costume Management
- Chorus
- Very Truly Yours, Gilbert & Sullivan (Spring 2008)
- Chorus
- A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol (Winter 2008)
- Ghost of Christmas Present (A Spectral Visitation)
- The Sorcerer (Fall 2007)
- Lady Sangazure
- Ruddigore (Fall 2006)
- Chorus
- The Pirates of Penzance (Spring 2006)
- Chorus
- Utopia, Limited (Fall 2005)
- Chorus